Mothers Day Collection

What does a typical morning look like for you?

Our gorgeous little girl Olivia is 1.5 now. She is the most precious, beautiful, funny and cheeky little girl. My favourite part of each day is when I hear her in her cot in the morning around 6am, I walk in and she is standing there and says 'mum mum!' We usually start the day with a cosy hug and bottle of milk together in bed. It's a moment of calm and presence before the work day begins and I shift into work mode for the day.

What have been some of your favourite moments as a mother so far?

A core memory we made this year was when we took Olivia to the snow in January, it was so special to see her on her little snowboard. Growing up at the snow and it being such a huge part of my life and early career competing on the slopes it really felt like a full circle moment I won't forget! She also started walking over Easter, watching those first steps was very exciting and such a proud moment. 

What has Olivia taught you about yourself?

Olivia has brought a beautiful sense of calm and overwhelming gratitude to our lives. Family is so precious and important, after starting our own family my values, priorities and daily focuses have changed. Olivia is our priority. Spending time with Liv each day is what brings me joy and perspective and I've learned to make time for what's most important. 

"The thing that has surprised me the most since becoming a mum is how much happiness, joy and contentment one little person has brought to our lives." - Danielle Pelly

What has been your greatest challenge since becoming a mother?

The greatest challenge for me so far has been working out the juggle between running a business and motherhood. I returned to full time work just 6 weeks after Olivia was born, that was not the original plan but that is how things played out for me. I would take Liv with me into the office so I could breastfeed her every few hours in between sleeps and meetings. It was a real challenge balancing two 'babies'! 

We ended up starting Olivia on formula and it was a real game changer for us as it allowed me the freedom to focus on getting the work done and for Olivia to settle into a good routine at home each day. 

We have an adorable nanny who looks after Liv 3 days per week now, she goes to a great daycare one day a week, and she has a daddy/daughter day too. Getting that balance right in terms of what's best for her and me has been the biggest challenge but we've found the sweet spot now and it works well. 

What is the most rewarding part of being a mother?

I cherish my special time with Liv before work, after work and on the weekends. I feel so proud that I can work full time and provide a great life for my family. I hope I can impart those same values and work ethic onto her one day. 

Finally, how are you spending mothers day this year?

This year for Mothers Day I am hoping for a slow morning with coffee in bed with Livvy and then go out for a lovely Sunday lunch with Tim's Mother and Grandmother. A wholesome day with family and good food is always a winner in my books!